Backyard Tree House for kids - Tree House interior photos - DIY Tree house instructions including interior details!
Backyard tree house inspiration for kids.
Interior photos.
For the complete exterior photos see the previous post: Step by step Tree house photos
For inspiring interior photos continue below...
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We needed a ladder to get to the upstairs loft, so my husband fashioned this ladder from some local fallen pine trees. He stripped off all the bark then finished it with multiple coats of polyurethane to protect and prevent any splinters. He then cut a few logs in half and bolted these to the log rails which acted as the runners up the ladder - perfect for little feet.
May I take your order?
The kids wanted a little peak a boo window, so fortunately the recycled door we used had a few broken panes so my husband built a tiny wood door and hinged in on the inside of the window frame.
Now they use it as a drive-through ordering window all the time when they play restaurant.

As Mom's we're always worrying about safety so we had to come up with a way of keeping the little ones safe while they were up in the loft for sleep overs or just playing or reading a book. My husband always picks on me for my 'trash' rummaging but I saw these little bed ends on the side of the road years ago and they ended up being the perfect railings.
We just bolted them on sideways to the floor and roof.
Voila! Perfect railings and decorative too!
Lastly I new that I wanted large windows for the kids to play restaurants/ice cream shop so we found this amazing pair of louvered windows at the habitat for humanity Re-store in our local town. They're perfect for letting in plenty of light and fresh air and we can close them up in the winter or during storms and the tree house remains nice and dry inside.
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Visit Jennifer at her Little Wee Shop on Etsy for tonnes of kids gift ideas, Modern Christmas ornaments, Sewing kits & more.
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